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Welcome to Diamond Quanta’s Newsroom

Welcome to Diamond Quanta’s Newsroom, your official source for the latest news and insights from the forefront of diamond technology innovation. Explore our journey, breakthroughs, and the impactful stories that shape our mission to redefine industry standards.


  • "Diamond Quanta To Announce Findings On Novel Diamond Semiconductor Fabrication And Doping Techniques" Matt Swayne, The Quantum Insider, June 10, 2024 Full Article via Quantum Insider
  • "Diamond Quanta Launches Out Of Stealth With Lab-Grown Diamond Technology" Matt Swayne, The Quantum Insider, May 22, 2024 Full Article via Quantum Insider
  • "Data Centers’ Doubling Power Demand Seen Stressing Energy Grids" Alan Patterson, EE Times, May 21, 2024 Full Article via EE Times
  • "Diamond Quanta Launches Out of Stealth with Breakthrough Lab-Grown Diamond Technology" Global Newswire, May 21, 2024 Full Press Release via Global Newswire

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